A Green - Holistic IoT Platform for Forest Management and Monitoring

Project main Objectives:

  • To create a big-data ready database with structured, semi-structured and unstructured data of at least three (3) heterogenous forests in Cyprus within the first one (1) year of the project.
  • To produce at least one UAV (WP4) with minimum 1 hour @ 50Km/h endurance and minimum range of 40 Km @ 60Km/h within the first eighteen (18) months of the project.
  • To produce at least 200 composite multi-purpose sensors (WP4) that will be deployed in the selected pilot sites within the first two (2) years of the project.
  • By the end of the first year have at least 20 test users registered in the Green-HIT platform (WP5) to evaluate its usability and its effectiveness in forest management and monitoring.
  • To achieve, within the first two years of the project, an accuracy of at least 85% in detecting various incidents in the forest such as fire detection, illegal logging detection, water pollutant, air pollutant, etc.
  • To deploy a usable holistic IoT platform that will feature a scalable big-data ready database that will be validated in a real-life environment.

Website: mdl.frederick.ac.cy/projectpagebuilder/Projects/Green-HIT